VI Systems announces the grant of US Patent on micropillar laser


The US patent office granted the patent with the number US-10,651,628 to VI Systems. The patent addresses semiconductor optoelectronic devices using a micropillar structure and is applicable to the next generation high speed vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) for optical data transmission.

The patent US-10,561,628 addresses a semiconductor micro device comprising of at least one cavity and one multilayer interference reflector. The device represents a micrometer-scale pillar with an arbitrary shape of the cross section and enables operation at low resistance and ultra-low capacitance. The technology can be applied to vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL) and VCSEL arrays to further advance the modulation speed for short reach optical data communication at very high data rates.  

VCSEL chips are low-cost, energy efficient devices, which provide high-performance in a wide range of applications from data communication to 3D sensing. The patented micropillar structure significantly improves the performance and reliability in consumer and industrial applications.  

The grant of the patent provides further recognition of the quality of the innovation being carried out by VI Systems’ team.  


About VI Systems GmbH

VI Systems GmbH, based in Berlin, Germany, is a fabless developer and manufacturer of components for optical communication. More information on VI Systems is available at


Press Contact:
George Schaefer
VI Systems GmbH
Hardenbergstrasse 7
10623 Berlin, Germany
phone: +49 30 30 831 43 41
fax:    +49 30 30 831 43 59
email:  George.Schaefer(at)